Once Upon a Time in Kolkata: A Tale of Love and Growth
Once upon a time in the bustling city of Kolkata, there was a young boy named Suman. Suman was a college student, bright and hopeful, but a bit lost in the maze of career choices. He loved studying, but whenever he thought about his future, he was filled with doubt. Suman tried everything to find his path—he watched countless YouTube videos, searched for advice online, and even asked his friends. Yet, he still felt uncertain and pressured.
His family wanted him to focus on a stable career. They often suggested, “Become an engineer,” or, “Why not try for government jobs?” Their advice was well-meaning but only made Suman feel more overwhelmed. He was pursuing two degrees simultaneously, which added to his mental stress. Despite all the confusion, he was determined to make a good life for himself.
During his college years, Suman met a girl named Swapna. She was unlike anyone he had ever known—free-spirited, confident, and full of life. Swapna was intelligent and had a sharp sense of humor, and whenever she spoke, her words struck a chord in Suman’s heart. He felt as though he had finally found someone who understood him deeply. He began to wonder if Swapna was his soulmate.
But there was a catch. Swapna had been in several relationships before, and this made Suman uneasy. Yet, he was so smitten that he didn’t let it bother him too much. He saw only the good in her and admired her openness and passion. To him, her past relationships didn’t matter, because he believed he truly loved her.
As days passed, Suman grew eager to get Swapna’s phone number. He finally managed to get it, though not without a bit of drama. There was a boy in her class named Rohit, who also liked Swapna, and when Suman asked for her number, Rohit refused. This led to a heated argument, but Suman didn’t give up. Eventually, he got her number and sent his first message with a mix of nervousness and excitement.
Much to his surprise, Swapna called him immediately, and they began talking. Suman was a shy, introverted guy, so he mostly listened while Swapna, being outgoing, did most of the talking. Their conversations were lively and made Suman feel like he was soaring. For the first time in a long while, he felt understood and cared for.
As they got closer, Swapna began offering advice on his studies and career. She suggested that he stop focusing on studies alone and start working. She wanted him to be independent, even suggesting that he should find a job if he wanted a future with her. Suman was conflicted. He had dreams of completing his degree, perhaps even pursuing a career where they could work together. But Swapna’s advice came with a condition: if he wanted to marry her, he had to get a job and earn his own income.
For Suman, this was painful. He loved his family and dreamed of having a future where he could support them and build his career without giving up his personal values. Swapna, however, didn’t see things that way. She was focused on independence and wasn’t interested in the idea of living with his family. Suman felt torn between his love for her and his commitment to his family.
One day, Suman’s curiosity got the better of him, and he spoke to Ayan, one of Swapna’s close friends. Suman asked him about her relationships, hoping for clarity. Ayan reassured him that they were just friends, nothing more. Trusting his word, Suman continued to dream of a future with Swapna, convinced she was his true love.
Suman’s feelings only grew stronger. He messaged her often, wanting to know everything about her and share his thoughts. However, Swapna didn’t always respond warmly. Sometimes, she would go days without replying, leaving Suman anxious and heartbroken. He told himself that she was busy, or maybe just needed her space.
One day, after months of back-and-forth, Swapna came to Suman and expressed her feelings. She told him she loved him too, and even mentioned that she could see herself marrying him. Yet Suman was conflicted. He knew about her past relationships and was haunted by the thought that he might just be another name on her list. Although he had dreamed of this moment, when it finally arrived, he felt paralyzed with doubt and fear.
Torn between his love and his insecurities, Suman decided to let her go. He politely declined her proposal, feeling as though he wasn’t ready for a relationship. After the rejection, Suman was devastated. He cried for days, feeling the weight of his decision. Although he had said no, he was still in love with her, and the loss left him feeling empty and broken.
Swapna tried to reach out to him, calling and texting, but Suman couldn’t bring himself to respond. His heart was too heavy, and every time he thought of her, it felt as if a storm was raging inside him. Ayan even called him to confirm that Swapna’s feelings weren’t as deep as he thought, only adding to Suman’s pain.
The heartbreak took a toll on Suman’s life. His studies suffered, and he ended up failing some of his exams. The sadness and stress led him to a state of depression, and he finally sought the help of a counselor. Through therapy, Suman slowly began to heal. He started focusing on his studies again and discovered a new interest in software development.
Over time, Suman realized that technology was his passion. He threw himself into learning everything he could about it, and with hard work and dedication, he became skilled enough to start his own business. His efforts paid off, and before long, his business began to flourish. Suman was not only making good money but also building a reputation as a successful entrepreneur.
Years later, Suman heard that Swapna had married and was now a mother to a beautiful little girl. Sometimes, she would check his social media profile, maybe out of curiosity, but Suman had moved on. He still held a special place in his heart for her, but he was no longer the boy who had once been lost and confused.
Eventually, Suman met someone new, a kind-hearted girl who respected his dreams and loved him for who he was. They got married, and he found the happiness he had once sought in a relationship filled with understanding and mutual respect. Suman built a life that brought him joy, balancing his career, his family, and his marriage.
Moral of the Story: Before diving into a relationship, it’s essential to find stability within yourself. Financial independence, a clear career path, and self-love are essential before sharing life with someone else. True happiness often comes not from rushing into relationships but from being patient and growing into the person you are meant to be.
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